Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Been away too long...

Sorry. I will do better. I know I say that every time. But now I need it as therapy...and its way cheaper than a psychiatrist !

Why do people buzz up to you and then when apparently you don't do what they want, they snub you like you have body odor or something contagious ? i just don't get it. Why can't people just act like they should and just say it out loud...I'm brain damaged. I don't "get it" quickly. I so need a t-shirt that says that " Person is brain damaged " with an arrow pointing up. Maybe that would help them out. Sigh. Oh well. I can move on. I'm a people person and shall remain so. Their loss.

Back on the salad wagon again. this time I found a great one at a buffet down the street from my house. So ya know I will be going back and back and back...

QQs Pizza Buffet...now don't fret about the pizza part. I had two slices. Both veggies no meat. I added a ton of hot pepper flakes. Next time I'm taking my own hot sauce ! Will need the big purse for sure that day ! Awesome fresh food and fabulous service. I highly recommend it. Mr. Tom liked it so much he wanted me to tweet about it !

Schools back in session and we meet the teacher this week. I hope she doesn't mind me taking notes.....because I won't remember half of it to tell hubs when get gets home the next morning.

Apparently 4th grade is agreeing with Mr. Tom. He made me come home first so he could do his homework before we went to eat. That is a first. He's growing up on me and I'm not sure I like it. I miss my curly topped toddler running around swinging his stuffed monkey by the tail.

Well, looking forward to my crafting weekend away ! I'm planning on a canvas of a beach scene...now I'm no "artist"by anyones standards. I just do what I like. And I miss the beach. So relaxing. Thinking I may redo my porch with beachy things....guess I need some of those Chinese lanterns to hang up to light up at night.

And last joy, the air went out at work this afternoon. Tank tops and flip flops for work tomorrow. WHOO HOOO ! notsomuch. I'm overdue for a pedicure. So people don't look down. Okay. You've been warned.

Good Night PPL !


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chopping Onions is Mother Nature's Decongestant !

Man I have been tearing and snotting for over an hour now. That must be one strong onion !! Good thing I cooked it.

Tonights experiment...feeling like wanting something with a mexican flair, but not heavy or loaded with fat...

one pound ground turkey
2 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 to 1 tsp of ms dash

start cooking and then throw in
1/3 cup each:

celery, tops and all, chopped
onion, small dice
carrots, chopped small {i generally chop up baby carrots since I have those frequently}

once the veggies are all cooked thru I added one can of white beans, one can of diced tomatoes with green chilies and one of those really small cans of plain tomato sauce.

simmered for a bit to get all heated thru. not sure which direction to go, with rice or pasta or add more stock for a soup. but really has a great flavor right now just by itself. guess hubby will decide in the morning.

generally, low fat, lots of veggies, double protien....can't get much better for a body !

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Meet my sneaky little friend....

frozen chopped broccoli.

Tonight was a super quickie from the fridge and shelf.

One jar of Newman's Own Alfredo sauce
one half box of thawed frozen broccoli
one can chicken, shredded.
one half box of cooked whole wheat pasta

yep thats it. and its so good.

{{I like Newmans Own since its all natural~~no preservatives. I have enough RX chemicals in my body now, without throwing in extra stuff or gasp, extra sodium I do not need. The broccoli adds the veggie it needs and its totally no fuss, thaw and thats all the prep it needs. Also adds fiber and all the good nutrients you need without all the cooking proccesses removing them. }}

So by the time the pasta is done, stir it all together and serve it.



Thursday, March 3, 2011

What do you do when you dream about dinner at 10am?

you get home and make it as quickly as you can.....pure bliss !

Today I was dreaming of Shipwreck dinner so I had to get home and make a big pot of it.

Super easy and super inexpensive:

3 boxes of blue mac n cheese per directions.
one can low sodium veg all, drained
one can organic chopped tomatoes italien style, all liquid too
about a quarter of a box of thawed chopped broccoli
and about a pound and a half of cooked hamburger meat

once mac is done stir in everything else.

I refuse to feel guilty about eating it. It has veggies in it for goodness sake.

So in order to kill the guilt, I ate a second bowl.

that should shut it up until tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tonight's adventure

Ginger spiced BBQ Pork

approximately one cup of ketchup
1/2 cup ginger seasame Maries sauce/marinade
choppped garlic
a couple of dashes of low sodium kikomans soy sauce

mixed together and poured over sliced pork loin "chops"

baking at 350 degrees for an hour or so....will post how it is later....planning on serving over rice and veggies.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wow !! Now thatza spicy....fish ?

Man I made a boo boo tonight on my dinner. Shoulda read all the ingrediants and looked at what was on my spoon before I added it to my supper....be warned that Ms Dash should have a warning label on it. WOWSA my eyes and nose are still running from the spicyness.....lesson learned...

Tonight was fine until i added too much ms dash.

One on the larger side cod fillet (yes honey, I cooked and ate the last one. I'm sorry)
about a small handful approx 1/2 cup of frozen peas and one bag Uncle Bens regular Brown rice. The kind you microwave for about 90 seconds....

In the skillet add about two tablespoons of water. Yes, water no oil although if I had been paying closer attention, I would have gotten it out before It stuck a bit. But a bit more water took care of that and then steamed away. Yep no oil or butter or anything else fattening or sprayed out of a can with those stinky propellents...which I'm not really a fan of, but sometimes ya just gotta....but not this time.

After the fish was "cooking" for about two mins I added the peas straight from the frozen Kroger bag from the freezer to the pan....Held it over the fish and shook a good amount out. LOL

then microwaved the rice....while that was "cooking" I added some ms dash to the fish....I used a teaspoon and should have used much much less. I do believe there couldn't possibly be any more redpepper flakes or coursely ground black pepper kernels in the whole jar now. I was scooping as the microwave went off and turned my head a split second and dumped the entire contents of said teaspoon all over the fish........duh !

Sigh. then proceeded to unstick fish as I didnt' turn down the temperature on the stove eye. then added the rice straight to the skillet (are ya sensing I hate to do dishes??) stirred a bit and then to attempt to lesson the burn of the ms dash I added one tablespoon of Smart Sense whipped butter about 2 table spoons of lite Kikomans Soy sauce and a very good shake of sesame seeds......mixed up....by this point there really isn't any point to try to keep the fish in one piece.......wanted to add some sliced almonds but I must have been out.

and Boom ! Dinner on a plate.

The Uncle Bens brown rice had 240 cals per serving and only like 80 or so grams of sodium compared to the 220 cals per serving of the teriaki flavor with get this 850 grams of sodium per serving.........and since I added my own with the soy sauce I really didn't miss the extra stuff I didn't need.......

one skillet, one spatula turner, one plate, one butter knife and one fork dirty for the maid..................yep I can still dream........oh and the entire fish cooked all the way thru in under four mins straight from the fridge in....wait for it...... yes plain water ! {{Who would have thought that what it used to live in and breathe with would be its ultimate demise ? I'm looking for the irony here....}}......so aside from the optional Smart Sense whipped butter I threw in to attempt to kill the burn this would have been even more "lowfat" than i started out with.....and now I need to go to the store for some more fish for hubby.

I'm gonna call this one a better luck next attempt. Other than the constant flow of tears down my face and snot out my nose, it was a pretty decent dish.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dinner this morning ?

Yep, I try to prepare dinner when I get up so hubby has something to eat when he comes home from work....and sometimes it goes with all good intentions...."a really good thought" and then sometimes I think I have hit on a winner....

Not sure what to call this one:

One bag wacky mac pasta, the pasta made from beets, spinach and carrots i think.....different colors...you get the idea, cooked per directions on bag.

one can chicken, drained
one small zucchini quartered and sliced thin slices
about two teaspoons olive oil
two good shakes ms dash, original
one can reg spaghetti sauce....

before i get hollared at, yes prepared sauce from a can....its 5am when i generally wake up, so sue me okay ??

empty chicken in skillet, add the oil, zucchini and ms dash and cook about ten mins before adding the sauce to the pan.

add to pasta and man this was so good for my lunch today...apparently was good for hubby, there aren't any leftovers.

wacky mac pastas have 8 grms protien per serving. Still have the carbs but since I'm watching more sodium and increasing the protien, i let it slide this time, but think this would work with the whole wheat pastas as well.

and one of these days i'll start taking photos to add.....of course I have to remember to not drop it into my morning coffee =-)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Aaaccckkk Mondays attacked !!!

It never fails....take off early to go to the doctors cuz you are actually sick as a dog, and all hades breaks loose....just felt like i was being attacked on all sides today. only got a small portion done I had set aside to do for today at work. sigh.....i really hate these kind of days......makes me feel rushed for the rest of the week.

oh well, at least I'm home and mr. tom has had a "great" Presidents Day. Been a marathon on the tv and he talked Daddy into getting up and fixing him a frozen pizza for lunch. sigh. i forgot to leave him something made. guilt guilt.....

at least I am feeling a bit better today....good thing too, apparently i picked a lousy time to be sick. time to round up the tax stuff and get those all done this week.

this weeks goals:
--prepare and send off taxes
--clean out truck
--keep kitchen done up
--go to cleaners again probably on wed to check on toms pants
--measure him for his other pants to be hemmed.

rest of this month:

--eat from cupboards/stash as much as possible until vacation
--get vacation reservations made and paid for.
--trip to in laws.
--get suitcases out.
--message to maintenance.

sounds like enough huh ?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Well time flies....

I had forgotten about this....go figure.. I can forget what happened yesterday, much less what all I have on the world wide web these days. So maybe I will be re-motivated to blog more since I have new laptop at my beck and call.....hopefully make myself more accountable for remembering to do stuff and a virtual paper trail for when I forget my day planner which I would be totally lost without.

First off, fighting off bronchitis...not even sure if thats even spelled right. just not movitivated to make sure its spelled correctly. Why give it credit because its causing so much breathing misery?? I survived the flu virus two weeks ago and whatever hubby had at the same time so this must be some kind of ninja steroid infused virus germ who deserves the credit not the silly diagnosis from the doc.........just saying to give credit where credit is due....

I found a bunch of stuff on sale at Target last weekend and one of them was multipacks of lysol wipes...now you know I stocked up on those.....shoot my grand plan for tonight is to lysol spray or wipe all the door knobs including the outside one. No one else should "catch" this.....

Well off to watch Biggest Loser episode I missed earlier this week. Hopefully I will make it to the end before I give in to sleep bliss.....actually think I'm gonna remember to do this again ! :-D