Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wow !! Now thatza ?

Man I made a boo boo tonight on my dinner. Shoulda read all the ingrediants and looked at what was on my spoon before I added it to my warned that Ms Dash should have a warning label on it. WOWSA my eyes and nose are still running from the spicyness.....lesson learned...

Tonight was fine until i added too much ms dash.

One on the larger side cod fillet (yes honey, I cooked and ate the last one. I'm sorry)
about a small handful approx 1/2 cup of frozen peas and one bag Uncle Bens regular Brown rice. The kind you microwave for about 90 seconds....

In the skillet add about two tablespoons of water. Yes, water no oil although if I had been paying closer attention, I would have gotten it out before It stuck a bit. But a bit more water took care of that and then steamed away. Yep no oil or butter or anything else fattening or sprayed out of a can with those stinky propellents...which I'm not really a fan of, but sometimes ya just gotta....but not this time.

After the fish was "cooking" for about two mins I added the peas straight from the frozen Kroger bag from the freezer to the pan....Held it over the fish and shook a good amount out. LOL

then microwaved the rice....while that was "cooking" I added some ms dash to the fish....I used a teaspoon and should have used much much less. I do believe there couldn't possibly be any more redpepper flakes or coursely ground black pepper kernels in the whole jar now. I was scooping as the microwave went off and turned my head a split second and dumped the entire contents of said teaspoon all over the fish........duh !

Sigh. then proceeded to unstick fish as I didnt' turn down the temperature on the stove eye. then added the rice straight to the skillet (are ya sensing I hate to do dishes??) stirred a bit and then to attempt to lesson the burn of the ms dash I added one tablespoon of Smart Sense whipped butter about 2 table spoons of lite Kikomans Soy sauce and a very good shake of sesame seeds......mixed this point there really isn't any point to try to keep the fish in one piece.......wanted to add some sliced almonds but I must have been out.

and Boom ! Dinner on a plate.

The Uncle Bens brown rice had 240 cals per serving and only like 80 or so grams of sodium compared to the 220 cals per serving of the teriaki flavor with get this 850 grams of sodium per serving.........and since I added my own with the soy sauce I really didn't miss the extra stuff I didn't need.......

one skillet, one spatula turner, one plate, one butter knife and one fork dirty for the maid..................yep I can still dream........oh and the entire fish cooked all the way thru in under four mins straight from the fridge in....wait for it...... yes plain water ! {{Who would have thought that what it used to live in and breathe with would be its ultimate demise ? I'm looking for the irony here....}} aside from the optional Smart Sense whipped butter I threw in to attempt to kill the burn this would have been even more "lowfat" than i started out with.....and now I need to go to the store for some more fish for hubby.

I'm gonna call this one a better luck next attempt. Other than the constant flow of tears down my face and snot out my nose, it was a pretty decent dish.

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