Monday, February 21, 2011

Aaaccckkk Mondays attacked !!!

It never fails....take off early to go to the doctors cuz you are actually sick as a dog, and all hades breaks loose....just felt like i was being attacked on all sides today. only got a small portion done I had set aside to do for today at work. sigh.....i really hate these kind of days......makes me feel rushed for the rest of the week.

oh well, at least I'm home and mr. tom has had a "great" Presidents Day. Been a marathon on the tv and he talked Daddy into getting up and fixing him a frozen pizza for lunch. sigh. i forgot to leave him something made. guilt guilt.....

at least I am feeling a bit better today....good thing too, apparently i picked a lousy time to be sick. time to round up the tax stuff and get those all done this week.

this weeks goals:
--prepare and send off taxes
--clean out truck
--keep kitchen done up
--go to cleaners again probably on wed to check on toms pants
--measure him for his other pants to be hemmed.

rest of this month:

--eat from cupboards/stash as much as possible until vacation
--get vacation reservations made and paid for.
--trip to in laws.
--get suitcases out.
--message to maintenance.

sounds like enough huh ?

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