Monday, December 29, 2008

Dang the time flies...

when you've had a stroke. Literally. I'm ten-thousand times better now, but still have a ways to go. I have thanked the ladies on the blog world who were inspiring me to get my act together who had no clue what they had done for me. Alana Jo at had inspired me to do a coupon notebook to keep my stuff organized and in one place. I had my stoke on a monday afternoon and had not been to the "store" for the week yet. So, our first stroke weeks menues were lacking to say the least. A lot of what was on hand and stuff from mom. No one complained. I should have told her to fix them green veggies. Aaaccck ! ala Lucy from Peanuts. Anyways, when the slew of seemingly dr. appts kinda of came to an end, hubby was able to pick up my book, my store ads, my internet printed lists from the stores websites and make a trip out. Plus take the coupons with him. Could not have been easier. Except when I was trying to text him to not forget such and such....I was thinking I was hitting the cellphone keys and not hitting them hard enough. Fortunately, he finally gave up and called me.

I also want to recommend take out short term disability insurance if you are able to. Was a relief when hubby and myself were both on FMLA. I wasn't able to drive and was very unsteady at first. It may not seem like a lot, but when zero is coming in, its a blessing.

I also need to email Dave Ramsey, I think he needs to rethink his emergency fund amount. In between office visit copays, er copays, more new meds, hospital parking garage fees, all goes very quickly. in less than 6 weeks. Now we also used this for grocery monies too. See paragraph above, zero in..... Maybe it should be divided out so much per family member, then if you need to do more, you can use from the other amounts set aside for different people. Times have changed from when he first published this wonderous idea of getting people out of debt. This just showed me that one thousand was not enough for us. As our savings egg was no where near hatched ! I think that will work for us. I plan on setting aside at least five copays per person in the house, excluding the fur people. Maybe ten. I talked with a friend at church, and she was asking me about the endless dr visit wagon. In her case it was cancer, way more drs to see in a very short amount of time. Just something to think about people. So now we start off this year even more in debt. Yeah me. {{sarcasm oozing here.}}

So, God willing, things will just have to be even more stretched to the limits. So tonight I had already set up the turkey carcass from Christmas in the stockpot to make soup with. Acutally mr turkey had been int he pot in the fridge since Christmas, but didnt' get good and cooked until today. But boy it hit the spot. Huge pot for probably under 3.00 total including the seasonings. The turkey was "free" when so many $45 purchases were made at Ingles grocery store chain here. So a couple of carrots, potatoes, bag of whole wheat pasta from Big Lots no less, rest of the left over veggies from Christmas dinner {no waste there}. Totally yummy. Especially with handful of those oyster crackers thrown in on top. Ingles was a regular stop as it was a right turn off the interstate, go one block and boom you are there. Relearning to drive was scary as all get out......So I'm a slow lane sally even still these days. And will always from now on I'm sure always merge into traffic at a stop light. Guess thats why all those stops added up to our free bird !

Sorry so long. Just been too long, promise it wont be too long any more. Now to figure out how to incorporate links into my paragraphs like the professional bloggers I read....and upload more pics....and add links to the sidebar.....

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